Friday, October 21, 2011

A letter, A letter, We have a letter.... and we don't want any more letter either.

Dear whomever is to be addressed by this letter,

Well, here we are over half way through the semester and honestly, I think it has been my hardest yet. As far as the class goes, I have never been a very good English student, and the amount of creativity needed for this class was enormous. To simply come up with the ideas and develop them  in a way that either I have previously done or in a way that would feel normal to me would have taken way too much time and effort considering we have to turn these in every week. If I had only this class, and no family or life, maybe I could, but not the way things are now. Honestly, I have a class I haven’t even started yet and another that I can hardly remember what is going on by the time the next assignment is due and I can get around to doing the work. I think that this may also be my biggest success: that I am (somewhat) keeping up with the class. Simply the fact that I can come up with pages upon pages of this stuff every week baffles me. (I’m not bragging, this stuff is just that hard for me.) As for the readings themselves, I can’t say I’ve learned anything from any of it; to me, most, if not all of it, is just drivel. The one thing I have learned is that these opinions are OK, at least as long as I can support them!
In all of these ways, literary analysis (which is what I’m assuming this class is all about) has turned out to be somewhat a double-edged sword for me. On the one hand, there really is no right or wrong stance to take or way to go about it, but on the other hand, it has turned out to be a lot less about English and a lot more to do with psychology if you ask me. No matter, I’m just fixed on the goal of finishing the class. Unless plans change, this will be the last of my English classes, and since I have always been able to achieve decent grades, I hope this class won’t change that trend. That’s going to take some work, but anything worth doing is worth doing right… whatever “right” happens to be in an English class...

Ok, so I'm a little off. There has been one major, major thing that has come out of this class, and it actually took reading some other students' posts to realize it. So here I am back editing this post! Before this class, writing was hard (tremendously hard) and terrifying to boot. I have learned to just go with my honest impressions and write what I have to say, instead of what I think people want to hear. It isn't the easiest thing to stick yourself out there like that, especially in a time when anyone noticeable is immediatly targeted and ridiculed. This class and it's teacher have been very supportive and forgiving to every ridiculous posting I have put out, and it has allowed me to learn about myself and what I can do. I'm still sticking with the opinion that I wasn't made for writing or english classes, but I know that I can contribute now. Thank you for that.

Nathan Kleinman


  1. I think that it is great that you are so honest. Like you this is one of my four classes plus I have four children and a husband to take care of. I know that it is challenging to say the least but I think that you are doing a great job. I struggle with literary analysis and I have always done well in my English classes, so you are not alone. Good Luck ad keep up the good work!!

  2. Wow I didn’t think the readings were just nonsense. If you didn’t learn anything did you at least find them interesting? What makes literary analysis different from other types of writing is there is no right answer. We have to make up our own interpretation of the readings with evidence in the text as our proof. If there is no right answer I find it can get frustrating to write an interpretation at times. This is also my last English class I will take which makes me happy. Writing essays is not something I enjoy but I know the only way to improve my writing skills and abilities are to practice.

  3. I have to agree with you about this being a difficult class. I have 4 classes this semester and am struggling in 3 of them. The only one I am doing okay in is creative writing and I think that is because it is a lot of free writing. I also don't remember half of what I am reading in every class and am just hoping to make it through the semester with a passing grade.


  4. Hello,
    I enjoyed reading your letter. It made me laugh here and there because you are so honest and open about what you think of the class and how your doing in it. You made so many good points that can apply to probably all of us taking this class. I can relate with trying to get enought time to do my work while still having life to juggle with, but still being able to get the work done somehow. Very nice post!

  5. I agree that this class has been pretty difficult so far. I too don't consider myself a creative writer and find english to be one of my tougher subjects. I too have a tough time finding the time to complete all my work. Sometimes I think taking courses online make it tougher to find the time. Nice post. Good luck with the rest of the class.
